If you order online you must pay by credit or debit card at the time you send us your order. We accept payment by Visa, Carte Bleue and Mastercard via PayPal. You undertake and warrant that all details you provide to us when you place your order will be correct, that any credit or debit card you use belongs to you, and that there are sufficient funds or credit facilities to cover the price of the items you order and our delivery charges. Gazmasta has no access to your bank details. The payment is made directly on the Paypal website and you don't need to open a Paypal account to proceed. To have more information: http://www.paypal.fr.
Opening a Paypal account is optional.
The payments made would not be considered as being a deposit. Any delay of payment will lead to a liability to interest on late payment corresponding to one and a half time the legal interest rate.